Thursday, June 14, 2012

Movie Night Kit

I'm crafty, and gift givey. So today I had some free time on my hands and decided to make this!
It is, as you might have guessed or assumed from this post's title, a movie night kit! Ta-Da! Complete with all the things me and my sweetheart need to have a truly silly, spectacular movie extravaganza! Now, your turn!

What you'll need:

  • A container (I got this one at the dollar tree)
  • A movie
  • Popcorn
  • Homemade/ Store Bought Snakies (I included chocolate covered raspberries, muffins, and cheesy garlic french bread)
  • Silly Things (I tossed in some bendy straws and bubbles)
  • A Favorite Thing (toothpicks for example, my man has a weird love of toothpicks)
  • Decorations (Tissue paper to line the container, maybe some flowers)
Voila! Your cinematic caravan of evening fun!  

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